Sunday, December 30, 2012

This Week’s News That Can Actually Change Your Health

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

10 Beers for New Year’s Eve, The Resolution You Shouldn’t Make, and More

10 Beers for New Year’s Eve, The Resolution You Shouldn’t Make, and More

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Friday, December 28, 2012

@SarahFit Instagram

It's Emily Thorne on my @womenshealthmag!!!! Great issue. Loved learning about the 8-hour diet and can't wait to test it out myself! Tweet

It's Emily Thorne on my @womenshealthmag!!!! Great issue. Loved learning about the 8-hour diet and can't wait to test it out myself!
@SarahFit Instagram

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Best of the Best: Editor Must Haves For 2012

As a team, we tried our hands at a lot of health and fitness items this year. While some of these goods didn't make the cut, there were more than a few products that we'll be using well into 2013. From gear to food - and everything in between - these healthy items were the ones we absolutely loved this year for keeping us healthy, happy, and fit!

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Research Review: Bigger Gains and the Best Exercise for Shoulders

Research Review: Bigger Gains and the Best Exercise for Shoulders

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Reducing Car Travel As Effective As Cutting Calories?

With some great health & fitness articles out there this week, it was hard to sift through them all to decide what to highlight. Since it’s getting colder and the holidays are here, it gets harder to get moving this time of year. So, this Saturday, it’s all about exercise: we’ve got pieces about exercise [...]

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weekly review1 Reducing Car Travel As Effective As Cutting Calories?cutting calories driving Reducing Car Travel As Effective As Cutting Calories?With some great health & fitness articles out there this week, it was hard to sift through them all to decide what to highlight. Since it’s getting colder and the holidays are here, it gets harder to get moving this time of year.

So, this Saturday, it’s all about exercise: we’ve got pieces about exercise and detox, exercise and national security, exercise and partners, and finally, about exercise and electricity.


1. Can Exercise Detoxify The Body? Health Experts Are Skeptical (Reuters)

There is a lot of talk out there about a relationship between detoxification and exercise, but does one exist? This article discusses why some people believe that exercise has a positive influence on ridding our bodies of toxins, but that many experts aren’t convinced there is enough evidence for this. As the article states, exercise is important because it enables our body to do what it is made to do, whether or not it “detoxes” our bodies.

2. Memphis – Most Obese U.S. City, Moving From Fat To Fit (CNN)

One man, after receiving news he had diabetes from being overweight, began his own “Biggest Loser” — and involved his whole city. While Memphis is one of the US’s most obese cities, there is hard work going on to change this & at the moment, it seems to be paying off.

3. Obesity As A National Security Issue (Aiken Standard)

Being overweight is currently the primary reason that civilian military recruits are deemed medically unfit for service & apparently it’s not just a new issue; the same reason was recorded during both WWI and WWII. This article suggests that the changes need to come from the school system, and what it could mean if physical fitness and performance is not improved on. Whether you are looking at it from a security standpoint or not, physical fitness is important for all of us to keep us healthy.


1. Study: Exercising With Physically Superior Partners Makes You Better (The Atlantic)

A study run with one exerciser paired with a simulation shows that when placed on a team individuals perform better than they would on their own. Not only is the study conducted in an interesting fashion, this is a great idea for those of us who are looking for some motivation to work out just a little harder, a little longer. Team up with a partner & see where it takes you!

2. Integrating Technology Into Standard Weight Loss Treatment (JAM Network)

A recent study asks whether the outcome of physician-directed weight loss treatment can be improved by adding mobile technology. Since apps & fitness tech has become so ubiquitous, you’d think the answer is yes — and it was: technology can enhance short-term weight loss in combination with an existing system of care. So if you’ve been debating whether to use that app or not, now might be a good time to give one a try!

3. Reducing Car Travel As Effective As Cutting Calories (Medical News Daily)

This article makes the point that our daily car rides & calories ingested are directly linked to body weight, and states that driving even one mile less a day could be linked to a decreased BMI. While the research isn’t finite, there is no question that simply paying attention to caloric intake in addition to moving more can help reduce BMI.


Gym Converts Workouts Into Electricity (CNN)

A free outdoor gym paid for by the city council? That’s what happened in Hull, where this gym converts the power generated by peoples’ workouts into electricity. Whether it spreads to more places remains to be seen, but is a cool concept for both green energy and our health!

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Get the whole story here.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Loosen Up: 4 Yoga Poses For Tight Hamstrings

Tight hamstrings plague both incredibly active and sedentary folks. Whether you're hard on your legs during a workout or they're tight up from sitting at a desk all day, just about everyone can benefit from helpful, hamstring-opening yoga.

Triangle Pose

Regardless of whether you're a new yogi or a seasoned practioner, you're sure to come across Triangle Pose. It's part of the primary series in Ashtanga, and it's always welcome in my practice: it's perfect for giving much-needed love to your hamstrings.

Foot-to-Hand Pose

Stepping onto your fingers in Foot-to-Hand Pose may look a little intimidating, but with a steady practice, you can reap the benefits of this pose. Not only does it give a huge stretch to the backs of your legs, but also, it helps strengthen and stretch wrists.

Keep reading for two more poses to show some love to your tight hamstrings. Source

Monday, December 17, 2012

Laura Price: Dear Santa, All I Want for Christmas Is My Hair Back

Laura Price: Dear Santa, All I Want for Christmas Is My Hair Back

Dear Santa,

I never imagined I would spend most of the year fighting breast cancer. Please bring me a full head of hair in 2013 and a cancer-free future for me and all those I love!

Best wishes,

Laura Price, aged 30 ¼, bald and bored of the big 'C'. xx

P.S. Here's the final installment of my chemotherapy diary...

My Chemotherapy Diary: Part IV

Nov. 26: The day before my sixth and final chemotherapy session, the telephone rings. It's Gareth Evans, professor in medical genetics.

"Laura," he says. "It's good news. You got the all-clear."

I could cry with relief. Seven weeks ago, I took a blood test for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancer gene mutations and I've become more and more worked up about the result, anxious to know whether I need a double mastectomy, desperate to start planning my future.

Because my maternal grandmother had breast cancer in her 30s, I am expecting to test positive. Having the gene fault would mean having a double mastectomy now, getting my ovaries removed in my 40s, and possibly deciding not to have children so as not to pass on the gene fault. Thankfully, none of this will be necessary.

As I said in a previous blog post, I considered having a double mastectomy regardless of the result, to remove any future breast cancer risk, but after consultation with my oncologist, surgeon and geneticist, the consensus is it would be silly to undergo a huge, risky operation for a relatively small chance of breast cancer recurrence. After all, the greater risk to my life is that my breast cancer spreads elsewhere - my lymph nodes, lungs or bones, for instance - and having my breasts removed wouldn't stop this from happening. Nevertheless, I'm so happy about the result - 'relieved' is not the word.

2012-12-13-IMG_3617.JPGNov. 27: Not only am I elated about my gene test result and the fact that this is my final chemo, I'm also semi-high on pre-chemo steroids, so wearing the bunny onesie my friends got me for my 30th birthday seems like an excellent idea. Plus, it's freezing cold outside and I'm about to endure the usual ice torture that goes with Taxotere chemotherapy, so I figure the extra warmth from the bunny suit is ideal!

Strangely, nobody at the Christie Hospital bats an eyelid at my oversized, rabbit-shaped babygro - not even a grin from my oncologist as I exit his room, revealing my little white bunny tail! These people are clearly too used to seeing patients in their PJs...

The nurse gets the needle and cannula into my hand without the usual bother and the chemo infusion whizzes by without incident. Either the freezer at the Christie Clinic isn't working too well or I'm just getting tougher, but I don't find the frozen ice gloves on my hands and feet quite as painful as I did the last two sessions. Before I know it, the hard part is over and I'm out the door, hoping never to return for another chemotherapy round in my life!

Nov. 28-Dec. 1: For the first few days post-chemo, I feel absolutely fine. Alongside the chemo, I'm taking a fairly potent concoction of extra steroids, drugs to offset the side effects of the steroids, a daily self-injection to boost my immune system, Senokot to ward off the constipation and a few essential vitamins, but I manage to combat the usual insomnia and get plenty of sleep.

Dec. 1-4: When the effects of Taxotere kick in, they really do kick hard, and in my case, this happens over the weekend. At certain points during chemo, I feel as if time has stopped entirely, and everyone's life is just going on while mine is on hold. All I can do is lie in bed and stare into space, feeling depressed. It's just like when you spend a Saturday night in by yourself looking at everyone else having fun on your Facebook feed (which I do a fair bit), only times the feeling by a thousand.

The pain also starts to kick in - not as intense as in the previous rounds of Taxotere, but nevertheless an uncomfortable prickly pain in my legs, which later spreads to my back. I also have the usual coated tongue, sore mouth, extreme lethargy, headaches, horrible feeling in my mouth and terrible, terrible hot flushes - it's quite common to experience menopausal symptoms during chemo, but fortunately mine turn out to be side effects of the steroids, and not the menopause just yet. (Phew)

My veins are also twitching and pulsing, as if I can feel the chemo drugs pumping up and down my arm, and my muscles and joints are tight and sore from the lack of exercise. Who knew earlier this year when I was running several times a week that I'd be feeling like an arthritic 90-year-old, six months later?!

2012-12-13-IMG_3719.JPGDec. 5: Weirdly, my hair has started to grow back, beginning with a small patch on the back of my head that's growing faster than anywhere else. I am told hair can become resistant to chemo drugs and it's common for it to start growing back after the fifth chemo, but it's likely it will fall out again before it grows back properly.

My eyebrows and eyelashes, on the other hand, have been falling out gradually over the four months since starting chemo and are now thinner than ever before. Fortunately, with a good wig and a little make-up, I can just about transform myself from "Hairless and Ill" to "Healthy and Normal" within 10 minutes!

Dec. 7: I've had a higher-than-normal temperature for four days and a mild, tickly cough, so I decide to go to the doctor for a blood test and a few checks. He confirms I don't have a chest infection or any other visible infection, and the next day he calls me with the test results. Expecting extremely low levels of white blood cells and neutrophils (the ones that fight infection), both the doctor and I are a little surprised to find I have abnormally high levels of both - a sign that I may have an active infection and my immune system is - for once - fighting it.

A quick call to the oncologist, however, confirms the high white blood-cell count is probably just a result of the daily immune-boosting injections and everything is as it should be. Relief doesn't begin to describe how I feel that I don't have to go back to the hospital for another four days of being hooked to a drip and going to the toilet in a cardboard bowl!

Dec. 8-10: I spend a few days in London, visiting a nutritional therapist and seeing friends and family, and I'm so exhausted I end up going to bed at 8pm on a Saturday night. It's fair to say the cumulative effect of six rounds of chemo has left me more tired than ever and I'm pleased to head back to Yorkshire for a few nights of 12 hours' sleep.

Dec. 13: After about a month of having a very slight cough, the winter gets the better of me and I develop a full-blown, chesty, phlegmy cough and a painful sore throat. I wake up having largely lost my voice, and begin taking antibiotics. So much for having a super-strong immune system!

2012-12-13-IMG_3811.JPGDec. 17: It's almost three weeks after my final chemo and my hair is starting to look a little bit like that of a baby chick again. Amazingly, I even have some semblance of my beloved sideburns - I never thought I'd be so happy to see those sideburns again!

The nurse at the Christie says my baby-chick hair is likely to fall out before the real, tough stuff starts growing back, but it should begin to return for real about a month after my last chemo. Which brings us nicely to Christmas Day. A bit of stubble on my head - the best present Santa could bring!

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

B.C.'s Path To Marijuana Legalization

B.C.'s Path To Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana legalization is back in the minds of British Columbians after voters in Washington state chose to decriminalize recreational use of the drug in November's U.S. election.

The Washington vote has generated enormous interest in Canada. Observers wonder how close we are to legalization in the Great White North, and how it will affect B.C.'s estimated $7-billion marijuana industry.

The legal history of marijuana in B.C. actually stretches back to 1907, when a riot by the Asiatic Exclusion League tore through Vancouver's Chinatown, said a 2002 Senate committee report.

William Lyon Mackenzie King, then-deputy minister of labour and future prime minister, visited the city with the aim of meeting Chinese people who sought compensation after the riot.

He met with activists who wanted to curtail the opium trade, which was brought to Canada by Chinese labourers. Chinese workers used the drug the way that white workers used alcohol — to "treat illnesses and to momentarily forget their social and working conditions," the Senate report said.

King learned that opium was being used by white people as well. Those meetings helped form the Opium Act of 1908 which evolved into today's Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

Modern-day activists want to see government regulations on marijuana relaxed or eliminated entirely.

The Liberal government tried to relax rules around marijuana in 2002, but it never passed.

Instead, the governing Conservative Party has since imposed mandatory minimum sentences for first-time, drug-related offences.

There is, at the moment, no imminent motion to decriminalize marijuana in Canada.

A history of the marijuana legalization campaign in B.C. and Canada:

  • Asiatic Exclusion League Riot in Vancouver

    1907: An <a href="">anti-Asian riot by the Asiatic Exclusion League</a> tears through Vancouver's Chinatown.

  • Opium and Narcotic Drug Act

    1911: After William Lyon MacKenzie King's Opium Act of 1908, Vancouver's chief of police supports the <a href="">Opium and Narcotic Drug Act</a>, which prohibits the use of opium, cocaine or morphine.

  • Cannabis added to Opium and Narcotics Drug Act

    1923: <a href="">Cannabis is added</a> to the Opium and Narcotics Drug Act.

  • Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

    1996: Jean Chretien's Liberal government passes the <a href="">Controlled Drugs and Substances Act</a>, which imposes a maximum three-year jail sentence and a $5,000 fine for any contraventions.

  • Bill C-38

    2002: Urged on by Justice Minister Martin Cauchon, the Liberal government, tries to push through <a href="">Bill C-38</a>, an act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and other legislation to permit possession of marijuana with only a fine as punishment. The bill died during prorogation.

  • Marc Emery

    2010: Vancouver pro-pot activist <a href="">Marc Emery</a> (seen on the poster) is extradited to the United States to face drug charges relating to his seed-selling business.

  • InSite

    2011: The Supreme Court of Canada rules that <a href="">InSite</a>, a safe injection facility on the Downtown Eastside, can continue to provide services for addicts.

  • Stephen Harper

    2012: Conservative government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper passes an omnibus crime bill with <a href="">mandatory minimum sentences</a> for possession of marijuana.

  • Dana Larsen

    2012: Activist <a href="">Dana Larsen</a> starts an initiative petition in B.C. to stop police from enforcing simple possession-and-use laws for adults. He later <a href="">withdraws the petition</a>, saying he wants more time to organize volunteers.

  • Washington State legalizes marijuana

    2012: Washington state legalizes recreational use of marijuana as part after a referendum passes during the U.S. presidential election. Supporters include travel guide author Rick Steves.

Also on HuffPost:


Monday, December 10, 2012

Maile Keone: 4 Tips For Traveling To A Marathon

Maile Keone: 4 Tips For Traveling To A Marathon

Sweating and getting your heart pumping on vacation is an amazing opportunity, but it can take special preparation to make it a success. My job requires me to travel, so I'm naturally very particular about my leisure travel planning. I enjoy traveling for a fitness or athletic event because it creates an experience you wouldn't ordinarily have in that destination. Taking a trip for a fitness or athletic event is different in many ways than a regular getaway, so I'll share a few of the things I do to make fitness travel great.

Luckily, I have a best friend who is much more of a fitness fanatic than I am. She loves the idea of traveling for road bike races, mountain biking, running and pretty much any other fitness event. We recently traveled to Moab, Utah to participate in the Winter Sun 10K Run. Moab is in red-rock country with ruggedly beautiful canyons and vistas. It's a breathtaking backdrop for a run to say the least.

Don't stress or take yourself too seriously. Please take special note that it was a "run," and not a "race." I mention this because we didn't train, but rather than excusing ourselves from running, we laughed and decided to enjoy ourselves anyway. Some people go to seriously compete -- we are not those people. You don't have to win to have a good time. The Moab run started out on a gorgeous December morning and wound through the town and local parks. We ended at the local high school with a lap around the track, welcomed in by the hundreds of folks who had trained and already finished.

Arrive early and take your time. Give yourself enough time to scope out the town and have a good dinner the night before the event. Try to hit a museum or squeeze in a hike to see a destination from all perspectives. The day after our run we chose to hike Slick Rock. It was painful doing post run, but great views made the day. Going somewhere for a fitness event allows you to see things you might not have seen and to go somewhere you might never have considered.

Pack differently. You're probably going to need extra gear, shoes, clothing and liniment in addition to the essentials. Be prepared to take an extra gear bag, especially if your trip will include all the regular travel plans such as sightseeing or eating out that require a routine wardrobe.

Take advantage of fitness travel perks. Events are often accompanied with events, like fairs, expositions or lectures. Events bring a lot of new people into town that you wouldn't ordinarily meet. Mingle and enjoy the energy and excitement that surround the event. Being around people who love fitness and travel is inspirational.

If you've never taken a fitness destination trip and have an interest, I encourage you to start with a "run." The sense of accomplishment outweighs the temporary muscle soreness. These trips are a good excuse to get out of your comfort zone, run a race, bike or just go somewhere new.

What have you learned from traveling to fitness events? Which trip has been your favorite and was the most worthwhile?

Maile Keone is an entrepreneur, writer and traveler. She currently works in the vacation rental industry helping people stay in cool places.

Connect with Maile via: Email | Twitter | Google+ | LinkedIn.

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Happy (Healthy) Hanukkah: Simple Noodle Kugel

Latkes are the most well-known treat during Hanukkah, but noodle kugel also deserves a home on the festive table. Traditional recipes for this decadent, sweet dish pile the cream, butter, and sugar on heavy - but this lightened-up version is an ideal alternative that brings the same nostalgic flavors. There's still plenty of sugar in this recipe, but more traditional recipes call for more than double this amount! Ready to cook up some healthier Jewish comfort food in your kitchen? Keep reading for this simple noodle kugel recipe. Here is the full post.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

18 Days of Holiday Giveaways, Day 6: Win a Fitness Prize Package From Reebok!

It's the holiday season, and we're getting in the spirit with our fourth annual 18 Days of Holiday Giveaways! Every day for the first 18 days of December, one of the POPSUGAR sites will feature a new fabulous giveaway.

For our sixth day of holiday giveaways, we are giving away a Reebok Prize Package worth $1,500. This prize package includes a pair of Rebook RealFlex sneakers, a Reebok CHALLENGER 150 Treadmill and, $200 worth of Reebok apparel!

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After you enter our giveaway above, don't forget to enter Must Have's giveaway to win a year of POPSUGAR Must Have plus a sold out Luxury Edition box, POPSUGAR's giveaway to win a $2,500 Barneys New York shopping spree, and TresSugar's giveaway to win a $1,500 Victoria's Secret gift card.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Aerobic Exercise Helps You Burn Belly Fat
Aerobic Exercise Helps You Burn Belly Fat
If you want to lose belly fat, you will be more successful if you do aerobic exercise than resistant training. I know this because this information come from the researchers of the Duke University Medical Center. Strength training is great for improving strength and increasing lean body mass.

They found that aerobic training reduces visceral fat and liver fat considerably. Aerobic exercise also did a better job than strength training at improving fasting insulin resistance, and reducing liver enzymes and fasting triglyceride levels. The authors wrote that strength training had virtually no impact on levels of visceral fat, liver enzyme levels, liver fat, or insulin resistance. Having both aerobic exercise and strength training in the session achieved results similar to aerobic exercise alone.

The disparencies in both exercises might because aerobic exercise burns more calories than strength training does -- about 67 percent more, hour for hour.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Stay Fit Without Setting Foot In The Gym

Stay Fit Without Setting Foot In The Gym

By Elisa Zied for U.S. News Health

If you're like most Americans who want to stay fit and active, there's a good chance that if you haven't already (or recently) joined a gym, the thought has likely crossed your mind -- especially as the new year approaches. Perhaps financial, logistical or other concerns have precluded you from joining a gym. Then again, maybe the mere thought of joining a gym -- and actually having to go to it! -- makes you sweat (if not break out in hives), because it's just not your thing.

Whatever your excuse for not stepping foot in a gym, the good news is that you never really have to look much farther than your own home, backyard, local park or even your office to get -- and stay -- fit, and reap the many benefits regular physical activity provides.

More from U.S. News Health:
In Pictures: Bikes for Aspiring Cyclists
Want to Maintain Your Weight? Get Moving
6 Ways to Make Time for Your Health

Here are some tips to help you stay fit (and have fun!) without ever hitting a gym.

  • Use Your Tools

    "The No. 1 tool you can use for any workout is your own body," says Nathaniel Oliver, owner and founder of Type A Training, an in-home personal training company in New York City. Oliver recommends simple exercises like squats, push-ups and dips that use your body weight as resistance. The standard routine is two to three sets of 15 reps for each exercise, but you can intensify your workout by doing them with less rest between sets, he says. For those who live (or work) in a building with stairs, he recommends walking or running up four flights of stairs about five times for a good cardio workout. Take the elevator back, or walk down the stairs slowly and gently, to save your knees. To ramp up the workout, Oliver recommends doing a few jumping jacks or jogging in place before heading up the stairs.

  • Make Some Small Investments

    Oliver recommends several fitness tools to keep at home, including light dumbbells, therapeutic balls, gliding discs, a jump rope and some how-to <a href="">yoga</a> DVDs. He and Heather Frey, president of, a website that matches trainers with clients, agree that a set of bands is key. "Handled rubber bands act as hand weights and give your muscles the resistance work they need to keep muscles tight and strong," Frey says. As an added bonus, "They're also portable, lightweight, inexpensive and very effective."

  • Set Your Alarm

    If your job requires you to sit at a desk all day, set an alarm reminding you to move for at least five to 10 minutes each hour. You can take a short walk outside, climb some stairs or get up and stretch. These timed breaks will not only give you energy and help you feel more productive throughout the day, but they can protect you against some of the <a href="">possible effects of prolonged sitting</a>, which include obesity, diabetes, heart disease -- and even death.

  • Walk And Talk

    Instead of meeting friends for the usual lunch, dinner or coffee date, why not share an early-morning, midday or after-work walk? Even a few moderate 10-minute walks throughout the workday can burn calories, lift your mood, energize you and give you quality time with friends. Just be sure to keep an extra pair of sneakers on hand, if not a workout outfit or two, so <a href="">you have no excuses</a>.

  • Meet Face-To-Face

    The next time you yell out directions or questions to your spouse, kids, or roommate who is on a different floor-- or in a different room -- in your home (you know you do it -- who doesn't?), don't! Instead, get up and talk face-to-face. You can also do this in lieu of sending another email, text, or instant message to a colleague or friend who lives or works a few blocks away. Making face time not only helps you be more active, but it can help you avoid miscommunications so you get the results you want.

  • Notice Opportunities For Movement

    "It's important to keep your head focused on purposeful movement," Frey says. "Use all that you do in your day as exercise. Park farther away from your destination, take the stairs instead of elevators and escalators ... walk or ride your bike whenever possible, and put some body power behind your cleaning." For extra fun, Frey recommends going outside and playing with your kids. "You can take a walk, play tag, throw a frisbee, jump on your bikes, toss a ball ... anything to get all of you moving and get the best of all benefits -- extra time and better health with your children."

  • Follow Your Own Path

    For radio personality Jennifer Hutt, a mother of two, "what matters most is that I <a href="">move my body some way every day</a> -- even if the intensity can't always be at a super-high level." Hutt finds that being active helps her manage her weight and stay sane -- and I'm sure that's a something we can all appreciate! Although she does go to a gym to spin or do some other type of workout, some days she simply wears her comfortable shoes and makes it a point to walk as many places as possible. "I make this my own personal game -- can I travel all over New York City and not take one train, taxi, or bus? On days I do this, I can end up walking three miles or more just going from place to place, and it gives me the best feeling at the end of the day," Hutt says.

  • Related Video

How do you stay active and fit outside of a gym?


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Best Workout Gear | Are You Geared Up?

If you’ve been thinking of trying out some of the new fitness gear around, you might feel overwhelmed by so many options. After all, most of us probably don’t have seven pairs of running sneakers, six kinds of heart monitors, five types of treadmills. So, it’s nice to have the option to see what those [...]

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best workout gear Best Workout Gear | Are You Geared Up?If you’ve been thinking of trying out some of the new fitness gear around, you might feel overwhelmed by so many options. After all, most of us probably don’t have seven pairs of running sneakers, six kinds of heart monitors, five types of treadmills.

So, it’s nice to have the option to see what those who’ve already tried, tested, and picked a “best of” chose as their best workout gear.

Best Workout Gear #1 | Minimalist Shoes

 Best Workout Gear | Are You Geared Up?

I’m a big fan of minimal shoes. I currently wear New Balance Minimus although I’ve used Vibram Five Fingers shoes in the past. The Minimus has a wide toe box and is light and flexible so your foot can move more naturally. I also workout barefoot when I get the chance. Less footwear is better for improved body mechanics.

Otherwise, I use a heart rate monitor during my runs, and a Gymboss Interval Timer when doing high intensity interval workouts.

- Kristin Rooke, CPT

Best Workout Gear #2 | Vibrams

 Best Workout Gear | Are You Geared Up?

Right now my favorite fitness gear would have to be my Vibram Five Fingers. It took me a long time to try on a pair because I thought they looked silly. But the more I learned about human movement, and the more fitness assessments I completed with people of all ages, the more I began to consider the importance of footwear to overall health and well-being.

When I complete a postural assessment for example, I start from the feet and work my way up. So many people have pronated ankles (ankles fallen inwards) and their toes are squished together. I was in this category.

After two weeks with Vibrams, my toes separated, I had better balance, and my pronation went away. I think it makes intuitive sense for a shoe to compliment the natural shape of our feet, not change them as a normal sneaker does. Another thing that really drives me crazy about traditional sneakers is that the foot is moving around all over the place in the sneaker during a forward lunge for example. That simply shouldn’t happen, the foot should be 100% stable.

I suggest Vibrams to all my friends, family, and clients, especially for walking around and gym workouts. After that, I would definitely say a foam roller and massage ball if that counts as workout gear.

- Marc Perry, CSCS, CPT

Best Workout Gear #3 | Weightlifting Shoes & Straps

 Best Workout Gear | Are You Geared Up?

If I’m squatting (rarely happens), Olympic Weightlifting shoes.
If I’m deadlifting heavy, straps.
If I’m working on grip, both Fat Gripz and straps. The Fat Gripz help with wide grip strength. The straps are not to be used around your hands, but instead around the weights and work on narrow grip strength.

If I’m working on anything else, a towel and stainless steel water bottle. I’ll generally fill up the water bottle about 4 times during the course of a workout, which is about a half-gallon of water during a workout.

- John Leyva, CSCS, CPT

Best Workout Gear #4 | Powerlifting Belt

 Best Workout Gear | Are You Geared Up?

My favorite piece of workout gear is definitely my powerlifting belt. It only comes out when I have heavy deadlifts or squats and I only use it for 90% or greater of my 1 rep max for those two lifts.

Since I don’t lift that heavy each week, the weight lifting belt coming out is always a special occasion for me. It reminds me that all my hard work is paying off and gets me really excited to train for the day. There is nothing like strapping on that thick belt and moving some heavy weight at the end of the day.

If I’m wearing my belt and a barbell isn’t deadbolted to the ground, chances are I am going to pick it up.

- Stephen Bergeron, CSCS, CPT

Best Workout Gear #5 | Vibrams

 Best Workout Gear | Are You Geared Up?

I am a firm believer of eating everything in its most natural state. The same goes with exercise. Anytime you can simulate natural movements with free weights or perform exercises in their most natural state will always provide the greatest benefits.

The sock-like shoes known as Vibram Five Fingers form fit to your feet to provide a barefoot-like feel. Here are some of the benefits associated with barefoot exercise: no heel, increased balance and posture, and no more shin splints!

- Kevin Deeth, CPT

If you have a favorite piece of gear you like, leave a comment below!

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

XTrain Update – 11-21-2012

XTrain Update – 11-21-2012
As we enter into the Thanksgiving holiday we wanted to give you an update on our progress on XTrain. As we mentioned in our last update we’re currently in the last phase of the project called the DVD authoring phase. We’ve also been busy putting the final touches on the XTrain User Guide, so this [...]

XTrain Update - 11-21-2012As we enter into the Thanksgiving holiday we wanted to give you an update on our progress on XTrain. As we mentioned in our last update we’re currently in the last phase of the project called the DVD authoring phase. We’ve also been busy putting the final touches on the XTrain User Guide, so this has been a very busy week for us.

Our DVDs take a lot longer to produce than other DVDs on the market because of all of our premixes and chapter menus, but we’ve made a lot of progress on all of the DVDs this week. Each XTrain DVD is now at least 80% complete. By this weekend we will completely finish 5 of the XTrain DVDs and they will be off to the duplicator next week after we thoroughly test them this weekend. We should completely finish the remaining 5 DVDs next week and as soon as we proof them they too will be sent to the duplicator.

So what does this mean? Though it is too early to say for sure a December release date looks very likely at this time and we hope to have you your XTrain DVDs in time for Christmas for at least USA customers, but it’s still a little too early to say for sure that this will happen. Duplicators will not give a production date until after the masters have been delivered, so we will have a more accurate release date after next week. But this does mean that our XTrain presale will completely end soon so that we can start to prepare all of the pre-sale orders to ship. So if you haven’t pre-ordered already make sure to get your pre-sale order in before it is too late. | Pre-Order XTrain |

In the meantime have a Happy Thanksgiving and don’t worry about the calories – XTrain will soon be on its way!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Omega-3 Could Protect Women From Post-Natal Depression

Omega-3 Could Protect Women From Post-Natal Depression

Eating more fish could help protect vulnerable women from post-natal depression, research suggests.

Evidence points to low levels of omega-3 fatty acid, chiefly found in oily fish, playing a key role in the condition.

A combination of omega-3 deficiency and genetic factors may trigger depression after childbirth, scientists believe.

Between 10% and 15% of mothers are believed to suffer post-natal, or post-partum depression (PPD) during the first year after giving birth.

The condition is more serious than "baby blues", a mild reaction that commonly occurs within the first few days of delivery, but much less severe than post-partum psychosis which affects fewer than one in 500 mothers.

Mothers with PPD tend to be disengaged, unresponsive and even hostile towards their children, who may suffer psychiatric problems and poor mental development as a result.

The scientists analysed data from 75 previous studies on PPD looking at links with a genetic variant called 5-HTT and omega-3 intake.

Lead researcher Dr Gabriel Shapiro, from the University of Montreal in Canada, said: "The literature shows that there could be a link between pregnancy, omega-3 and the chemical reaction that enables serotonin, a mood regulator, to be released into our brains.

"Many women could bring their omega-3 intake to recommended levels."

However the scientists said the evidence was preliminary and needed to be confirmed by further research.

A mother's omega-3 levels fall during pregnancy and remain lowered for at least six weeks after birth, said the researchers.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Best Exercise to Lose Weight

Everyone wants that one secret exercise that can burn the most fat off their body in the least amount of time. Since there are so many different opinions about what is the best exercise to lose weight, we decided it would be a good idea to consult our experts to hear their thoughts. We didn’t [...]

best exercise lose weight The Best Exercise to Lose WeightEveryone wants that one secret exercise that can burn the most fat off their body in the least amount of time.

Since there are so many different opinions about what is the best exercise to lose weight, we decided it would be a good idea to consult our experts to hear their thoughts.

We didn’t come up with one consensus, but did find some great exercises that will definitely help to get you leaner and stronger, even if there is no single best exercise to lose weight.

Best Exercise to Lose Weight #1 | DB Clean & Press

 The Best Exercise to Lose Weight This is a really tough question because a combination of exercises would be ideal and nutrition is by far the most important part of the weight loss equation. If I had to imagine the best exercise to lose fat, it would (1) create an intense muscle burn and stimulation in most of your muscles (2) increase your heart rate and your body temperature and (3) burn calories after the workout, creating an afterburn effect.

Generally speaking, I believe the best exercises to lose weight are high intensity leg exercises, because your legs comprise the largest volume of muscle in your body and can create powerful hormonal changes. They also satisfy all the points I just listed.

I’m biting my lip as I write this because there are so many exercises with pros/cons to each, but I would say the Dumbbell Clean & Press. The wrinkle I would add is to do a squat in between the clean and the press, as if you are jumping the weight up. This is an exercise that requires some technical skill and also pretty good hip/calf mobility, so be careful (See: How To Increase Squat Depth).

The DB Clean & Press works just about every muscle in the body. Because it’s a power exercise that requires both upper and lower body strength and power, you can burn a ton of calories while helping retain your muscle mass as you lose only fat.

The downside is the DB Clean & Press only combines two movement patterns (squat and vertical press), but no single exercise can incorporate all movement patterns. Honorable mentions include The Prowler, Airdyne, Walking Lunges, Kettlebell Swings, Sprinting (and uphill sprinting especially).

- Marc Perry, CSCS, CPT

Best Exercise to Lose Weight #2 | Sleep

 The Best Exercise to Lose Weight Sleep – This is my honest answer because if I don’t get enough sleep, it is that much harder to stick to my diet. If I get enough sleep, I can stick to my diet without an issue. It’s definitely my “favorite” exercise.

If that’s not what you were looking for, then I would say a Step up with Shoulder Press into a Reverse Lunge. Do these correctly and they’re brutal on both the leg muscles and your lungs. Just be sure to not have eaten anything heavy before doing them.

If someone can’t do those, then simple high step-ups with a good amount of weight (think bench height with 50’s in each hand).

- John Leyva, CSCS, CPT

Best Exercise to Lose Weight #3 | Total Body Circuit Training

 The Best Exercise to Lose Weight I think this is very individual. People can lose weight doing any exercise. The most important thing is finding activities you enjoy and that you know you can stick to. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, chances are you won’t continue. Consistent daily effort is the most important thing to losing weight.

However, if you insist on one exercise that will push you in the right direction, total body strength circuits give you an all-in-one workout. They challenge all your muscle groups, keep your heart rate up, and help build/maintain muscle while decreasing body fat. Definitely the most time-efficient and effective workout to change your body!

- Kristin Rooke, CPT

Best Exercise to Lose Weight #4 | Table Push-Aways

 The Best Exercise to Lose Weight I actually get asked this question quite a bit as a personal trainer and my response is always the same, “table push-aways.” I’m serious. You can have the world’s greatest fat-loss exercise program ever written and not lose a pound. On the contrary, if you are eating at the right calorie level for your needs any exercise you do will help you lose weight: even bicep curls.

That said, I have found the most efficient exercise to aid in fat loss to be those that recruit the most amount of muscle. Full body, multi-joint exercises have been found to raise testosterone levels and help to build or maintain muscle mass while on a caloric-deficit diet which is absolutely essential for any fat-loss program.

I recommend starting your workout with exercises such as deadlifts, squats, bench press, pullups, or any variation when you are fresh and able to move more weight. Getting stronger will also aid in the battle as you will be able to lift heavier weights, which will yield more energy expenditure. Double win!

- Stephen Bergeron, CSCS, CPT

Best Exercise to Lose Weight #5 | Burpees

 The Best Exercise to Lose Weight My answer is burpees! Full body exercises that require the use of large muscles groups such as your quads and chest tend to burn the most calories. Anytime you use major muscle groups to complete an exercise your smaller/stabilizer muscles are automatically activated creating an efficient and complete full body exercise.

Once a military specific exercise, burpees have become a widespread staple throughout the fitness community due to the fat burning potential while maintaining lean muscle mass. Full body exercises such as burpees can increase your lean body mass which can help to boost your metabolism which will create a greater post workout calorie burn also known as the “afterburn” affect. Personally, I think a burpee is a great exercise because it can help activate your fast twitch muscle fibers. The explosive squat involved with the exercise will help recruit those fast-twitch muscle fibers and force them to grow. Burpees can also increase muscle endurance if performed for an adequate duration such as one minute intervals. Personally, I was first exposed to burpees when I trained with a good friend who was attending West Point. I still believe that performing burpees until exhaustion is one of the hardest exercises in the fitness world. Burpees are also extremely versatile and can be performed in a small area with no need for exercise equipment or weights.

- Kevin Deeth, CPT

What your best exercise to lose weight? Do you have a favorite on this list?

Get the whole story here.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Don't Lose Weight, Improve Your Body Composition

weightsYou wouldn't expect a weight loss writer to spend an entire article explaining why you shouldn't lose weight.  But I'm going to.  Instead, I'm going to tell you to get off the scale and get into the gym to pack on a few pounds and improve your body composition.


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Get the whole story here.

Choose This, Not That at the Salad Bar

Choose This, Not That at the Salad Bar

Not all salads are created equal. A healthy layer of greens can be canceled out by high-calorie toppings and a dowsing of dressings, so the next time you're at the salad bar, make these little swaps both to save calories and to increase the nutrition of your salad.

Instead of romaine lettuce: Choose spinach instead of iceberg or romaine lettuce for a more nutritious salad base; spinach contains twice as much fiber (2 grams) and three times as much protein (3 grams) as romaine lettuce, which helps fill you up.

Instead of croutons: Sprinkle your salad with seeds like sunflower or pumpkin. In place of empty carbs, you'll get the crunch, along with a healthy dose of omega-3 oils and protein.

Instead of salad dressing: Hummus is a highly nutritious addition to your salad. Aside from being a great source of protein, hummus is high in fiber, folate, and zinc. And not only that, but the spread's main ingredient, chickpeas, have been shown to aid in weight loss. Skip the premade salad dressings, and mix a scoop of hummus with a little bit of oil and vinegar for a creamy-tasting dressing without the fat and calories.

Instead of cheddar cheese: It may be one of the tastiest toppings, but cheese packs in a lot of calories per serving. Opt for a lower-calorie option when deciding, like mozzarella (81 calories per one-ounce serving vs 114 calories in one ounce of cheddar), or sub avocado instead.

Other tips to remember at the salad bar? Choose lean protein and raw nuts over candied, and steer clear of dried fruits in favor of the fresh variety.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How Food Texture and Flavor Can Make You More Filling
How Food Texture and Flavor Can Make You More Filling
Most low caloric food are not filling. Many times just by looking and tasting the food, there is a tendency that we know leave you feeling not filling and need to eat more. It is important that you read this scientific news. It reveals how by adding creamy flavor and thickness to your food, you have a chance to prevent binging.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Best Skin Bleaching Products
Best Skin Bleaching Products
Have you had any ideas as to why most skin whiteners that are sold in the beauty stores are failing to have any effects on the dark spots? Choosing the wrong product can make it worse. For example, you will be in shock to find your surrounding skin much lighter. If that is the case, then what should you do now?

Most of you want the best skin brightener because flawless skin is what most women are chasing for. You obviously don't like brown patches which sprawl over your skin. These dark spots can tear down your social life.

Usually the consumers will look at the the feedback submitted by the users on the shopping sites before they commit to buy something. There is nothing wrong to take advantage of another person's experience to make an evaluation of the good. However, our skins are not the same. In other words, the product may not even give you the results that you want.

Shopping for the top age spot treatment product will begin from a certain point. That is why I think it is fine to go through the remarks made by the consumers. Most important of all, don't overlook the unpleasant effects of the product. Just ignore how wonderful it works for some people. Pay attention to the adverse effects as the results of using the cream.

Here is one journey that is shared by a sufferer who had exhausted all her resources to look for the best lightening cream for sun spots. There is a good reason that you and her share similar plight. I say this because I reckon that she has no enjoyment in looking at her colored patches. From her experience, you can tell that she has gone all her way to search which cream is good enough to get rid of those spots. The question is do you think you'll see the same results.

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