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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Sugar Shout Out: Don't Miss Winter's Hottest Boot Sales
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Best Workout Gear | Are You Geared Up?
If you’ve been thinking of trying out some of the new fitness gear around, you might feel overwhelmed by so many options. After all, most of us probably don’t have seven pairs of running sneakers, six kinds of heart monitors, five types of treadmills. So, it’s nice to have the option to see what those [...]
The post Best Workout Gear | Are You Geared Up? appeared first on BuiltLean.com.
If you’ve been thinking of trying out some of the new fitness gear around, you might feel overwhelmed by so many options. After all, most of us probably don’t have seven pairs of running sneakers, six kinds of heart monitors, five types of treadmills.
So, it’s nice to have the option to see what those who’ve already tried, tested, and picked a “best of” chose as their best workout gear.
Best Workout Gear #1 | Minimalist Shoes
I’m a big fan of minimal shoes. I currently wear New Balance Minimus although I’ve used Vibram Five Fingers shoes in the past. The Minimus has a wide toe box and is light and flexible so your foot can move more naturally. I also workout barefoot when I get the chance. Less footwear is better for improved body mechanics. Otherwise, I use a heart rate monitor during my runs, and a Gymboss Interval Timer when doing high intensity interval workouts. |
Best Workout Gear #2 | Vibrams
Right now my favorite fitness gear would have to be my Vibram Five Fingers. It took me a long time to try on a pair because I thought they looked silly. But the more I learned about human movement, and the more fitness assessments I completed with people of all ages, the more I began to consider the importance of footwear to overall health and well-being. When I complete a postural assessment for example, I start from the feet and work my way up. So many people have pronated ankles (ankles fallen inwards) and their toes are squished together. I was in this category. After two weeks with Vibrams, my toes separated, I had better balance, and my pronation went away. I think it makes intuitive sense for a shoe to compliment the natural shape of our feet, not change them as a normal sneaker does. Another thing that really drives me crazy about traditional sneakers is that the foot is moving around all over the place in the sneaker during a forward lunge for example. That simply shouldn’t happen, the foot should be 100% stable. I suggest Vibrams to all my friends, family, and clients, especially for walking around and gym workouts. After that, I would definitely say a foam roller and massage ball if that counts as workout gear. |
Best Workout Gear #3 | Weightlifting Shoes & Straps
If I’m squatting (rarely happens), Olympic Weightlifting shoes. If I’m working on anything else, a towel and stainless steel water bottle. I’ll generally fill up the water bottle about 4 times during the course of a workout, which is about a half-gallon of water during a workout. |
Best Workout Gear #4 | Powerlifting Belt
My favorite piece of workout gear is definitely my powerlifting belt. It only comes out when I have heavy deadlifts or squats and I only use it for 90% or greater of my 1 rep max for those two lifts. Since I don’t lift that heavy each week, the weight lifting belt coming out is always a special occasion for me. It reminds me that all my hard work is paying off and gets me really excited to train for the day. There is nothing like strapping on that thick belt and moving some heavy weight at the end of the day. If I’m wearing my belt and a barbell isn’t deadbolted to the ground, chances are I am going to pick it up. |
Best Workout Gear #5 | Vibrams
I am a firm believer of eating everything in its most natural state. The same goes with exercise. Anytime you can simulate natural movements with free weights or perform exercises in their most natural state will always provide the greatest benefits. The sock-like shoes known as Vibram Five Fingers form fit to your feet to provide a barefoot-like feel. Here are some of the benefits associated with barefoot exercise: no heel, increased balance and posture, and no more shin splints! |
If you have a favorite piece of gear you like, leave a comment below!
The post Best Workout Gear | Are You Geared Up? appeared first on BuiltLean.com.
Here is the full post.Wednesday, November 21, 2012
XTrain Update – 11-21-2012
As we enter into the Thanksgiving holiday we wanted to give you an update on our progress on XTrain. As we mentioned in our last update we’re currently in the last phase of the project called the DVD authoring phase. We’ve also been busy putting the final touches on the XTrain User Guide, so this [...]
As we enter into the Thanksgiving holiday we wanted to give you an update on our progress on XTrain. As we mentioned in our last update we’re currently in the last phase of the project called the DVD authoring phase. We’ve also been busy putting the final touches on the XTrain User Guide, so this has been a very busy week for us.
Our DVDs take a lot longer to produce than other DVDs on the market because of all of our premixes and chapter menus, but we’ve made a lot of progress on all of the DVDs this week. Each XTrain DVD is now at least 80% complete. By this weekend we will completely finish 5 of the XTrain DVDs and they will be off to the duplicator next week after we thoroughly test them this weekend. We should completely finish the remaining 5 DVDs next week and as soon as we proof them they too will be sent to the duplicator.
So what does this mean? Though it is too early to say for sure a December release date looks very likely at this time and we hope to have you your XTrain DVDs in time for Christmas for at least USA customers, but it’s still a little too early to say for sure that this will happen. Duplicators will not give a production date until after the masters have been delivered, so we will have a more accurate release date after next week. But this does mean that our XTrain presale will completely end soon so that we can start to prepare all of the pre-sale orders to ship. So if you haven’t pre-ordered already make sure to get your pre-sale order in before it is too late. | Pre-Order XTrain |
In the meantime have a Happy Thanksgiving and don’t worry about the calories – XTrain will soon be on its way!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Omega-3 Could Protect Women From Post-Natal Depression
Eating more fish could help protect vulnerable women from post-natal depression, research suggests.
Evidence points to low levels of omega-3 fatty acid, chiefly found in oily fish, playing a key role in the condition.
A combination of omega-3 deficiency and genetic factors may trigger depression after childbirth, scientists believe.
Between 10% and 15% of mothers are believed to suffer post-natal, or post-partum depression (PPD) during the first year after giving birth.
The condition is more serious than "baby blues", a mild reaction that commonly occurs within the first few days of delivery, but much less severe than post-partum psychosis which affects fewer than one in 500 mothers.
Mothers with PPD tend to be disengaged, unresponsive and even hostile towards their children, who may suffer psychiatric problems and poor mental development as a result.
The scientists analysed data from 75 previous studies on PPD looking at links with a genetic variant called 5-HTT and omega-3 intake.
Lead researcher Dr Gabriel Shapiro, from the University of Montreal in Canada, said: "The literature shows that there could be a link between pregnancy, omega-3 and the chemical reaction that enables serotonin, a mood regulator, to be released into our brains.
"Many women could bring their omega-3 intake to recommended levels."
However the scientists said the evidence was preliminary and needed to be confirmed by further research.
A mother's omega-3 levels fall during pregnancy and remain lowered for at least six weeks after birth, said the researchers.
Source: www.huffingtonpost.co.uk
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The Best Exercise to Lose Weight
Everyone wants that one secret exercise that can burn the most fat off their body in the least amount of time.
Since there are so many different opinions about what is the best exercise to lose weight, we decided it would be a good idea to consult our experts to hear their thoughts.
We didn’t come up with one consensus, but did find some great exercises that will definitely help to get you leaner and stronger, even if there is no single best exercise to lose weight.
Best Exercise to Lose Weight #1 | DB Clean & Press
| This is a really tough question because a combination of exercises would be ideal and nutrition is by far the most important part of the weight loss equation. If I had to imagine the best exercise to lose fat, it would (1) create an intense muscle burn and stimulation in most of your muscles (2) increase your heart rate and your body temperature and (3) burn calories after the workout, creating an afterburn effect. Generally speaking, I believe the best exercises to lose weight are high intensity leg exercises, because your legs comprise the largest volume of muscle in your body and can create powerful hormonal changes. They also satisfy all the points I just listed. I’m biting my lip as I write this because there are so many exercises with pros/cons to each, but I would say the Dumbbell Clean & Press. The wrinkle I would add is to do a squat in between the clean and the press, as if you are jumping the weight up. This is an exercise that requires some technical skill and also pretty good hip/calf mobility, so be careful (See: How To Increase Squat Depth). The DB Clean & Press works just about every muscle in the body. Because it’s a power exercise that requires both upper and lower body strength and power, you can burn a ton of calories while helping retain your muscle mass as you lose only fat. The downside is the DB Clean & Press only combines two movement patterns (squat and vertical press), but no single exercise can incorporate all movement patterns. Honorable mentions include The Prowler, Airdyne, Walking Lunges, Kettlebell Swings, Sprinting (and uphill sprinting especially). |
Best Exercise to Lose Weight #2 | Sleep
Best Exercise to Lose Weight #3 | Total Body Circuit Training
Best Exercise to Lose Weight #4 | Table Push-Aways
Best Exercise to Lose Weight #5 | Burpees
| My answer is burpees! Full body exercises that require the use of large muscles groups such as your quads and chest tend to burn the most calories. Anytime you use major muscle groups to complete an exercise your smaller/stabilizer muscles are automatically activated creating an efficient and complete full body exercise. Once a military specific exercise, burpees have become a widespread staple throughout the fitness community due to the fat burning potential while maintaining lean muscle mass. Full body exercises such as burpees can increase your lean body mass which can help to boost your metabolism which will create a greater post workout calorie burn also known as the “afterburn” affect. Personally, I think a burpee is a great exercise because it can help activate your fast twitch muscle fibers. The explosive squat involved with the exercise will help recruit those fast-twitch muscle fibers and force them to grow. Burpees can also increase muscle endurance if performed for an adequate duration such as one minute intervals. Personally, I was first exposed to burpees when I trained with a good friend who was attending West Point. I still believe that performing burpees until exhaustion is one of the hardest exercises in the fitness world. Burpees are also extremely versatile and can be performed in a small area with no need for exercise equipment or weights. |
What your best exercise to lose weight? Do you have a favorite on this list?
Get the whole story here.Friday, November 9, 2012
Don't Lose Weight, Improve Your Body Composition
You wouldn't expect a weight loss writer to spend an entire article explaining why you shouldn't lose weight. But I'm going to. Instead, I'm going to tell you to get off the scale and get into the gym to pack on a few pounds and improve your body composition.
Choose This, Not That at the Salad Bar
Not all salads are created equal. A healthy layer of greens can be canceled out by high-calorie toppings and a dowsing of dressings, so the next time you're at the salad bar, make these little swaps both to save calories and to increase the nutrition of your salad.
Instead of romaine lettuce: Choose spinach instead of iceberg or romaine lettuce for a more nutritious salad base; spinach contains twice as much fiber (2 grams) and three times as much protein (3 grams) as romaine lettuce, which helps fill you up.
Instead of croutons: Sprinkle your salad with seeds like sunflower or pumpkin. In place of empty carbs, you'll get the crunch, along with a healthy dose of omega-3 oils and protein.
Instead of salad dressing: Hummus is a highly nutritious addition to your salad. Aside from being a great source of protein, hummus is high in fiber, folate, and zinc. And not only that, but the spread's main ingredient, chickpeas, have been shown to aid in weight loss. Skip the premade salad dressings, and mix a scoop of hummus with a little bit of oil and vinegar for a creamy-tasting dressing without the fat and calories.
Instead of cheddar cheese: It may be one of the tastiest toppings, but cheese packs in a lot of calories per serving. Opt for a lower-calorie option when deciding, like mozzarella (81 calories per one-ounce serving vs 114 calories in one ounce of cheddar), or sub avocado instead.
Other tips to remember at the salad bar? Choose lean protein and raw nuts over candied, and steer clear of dried fruits in favor of the fresh variety.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
How Food Texture and Flavor Can Make You More Filling
How Food Texture and Flavor Can Make You More Filling
Most low caloric food are not filling. Many times just by looking and tasting the food, there is a tendency that we know leave you feeling not filling and need to eat more. It is important that you read this scientific news. It reveals how by adding creamy flavor and thickness to your food, you have a chance to prevent binging.