Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lose Your Gut in Less Than 4 Weeks

Lose Your Gut in Less Than 4 Weeks
Check out this great combination of nutrition & workout tips to help you burn some serious gut fat in less than 4 weeks.

lose your gut in less than 4 weeks

Lose Your Gut in Less Than 4 Weeks

If you want to lose your gut once and for all, listen up – I have a great combination of tips that come together to help you burn some serious fat in less than 4 weeks.

As a personal trainer and health coach, I’ve never recommended extreme measures when it comes to dieting and weight loss. I believe in a safe, healthy, and practical approach to fitness.

That being said, it is possible to see serious results in just a few weeks. You just need to get intense and commit yourself to your goals. Today, we’re going to target your gut and help you shed some serious belly fat in less than 4 weeks.

Here’s what you need to do…

How to Lose Your Gut in Less Than 4 Weeks

To do it right and see results fast, start all of these strategies TODAY.

Get Your Diet Under Control

First thing’s first, you need to get your diet under control. Although exercise is important for burning fat (which we’ll get to in a minute), diet is where it all starts. You need to do the obvious things – cut out fattening, fried, and fast foods, and reduce your daily sugar intake. Once that’s clear, you need to take things one step further and reduce your carbohydrate intake to 2-3 servings per day. This is a sure way to see fast results without starving yourself.

Next, I want you to start taking an omega-3 fatty acid supplement. Omega-3s are actually a good type of fat for weight loss, as they boost your metabolism and actually redistribute fat away from your gut and waistline. My top choice for omega-3s is Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega.

Generally speaking, you want to make a major shift in your diet by eating only whole foods (no more processed stuff) and eating foods that boost your metabolism. To help get you started, read my article on 5 Foods to Boost Your Abs Diet here.

The last change I want you to make to your diet is to start taking 7-Keto, a scientifically proven and naturally based fat loss supplement that combines a number of fat-burning ingredients, including green tea extract. Check it out here – 7-Keto LeanGels. Trust me, I’ve seen some amazing gut-busting results with this one!

Exercise Regularly and Wisely

Now that your diet is under control, you need to start sweating. If you want to lose your gut in less than 4 weeks, you need to engage in a regular exercise program that incorporates cardio, total body weight training, and a targeted abdominal routine. You have to improve your body’s ability to burn fat, and this is the best way to do it.

Here’s what I want you to start doing every week for the next month:

  • Monday: 20 minutes of cardio / 40 minutes of weight training (chest & triceps)
  • Tuesday: 30 minutes of cardio / 30 minutes of abs and core
  • Wednesday: 20 minutes of cardio / 40 minutes of weight training (back & biceps)
  • Thursday: 30 minutes of cardio / 30 minutes of abs and core
  • Friday: 20 minutes of cardio / 40 minutes of weight training (legs)
  • Saturday: 20-30 minutes of cardio outdoors (e.g. running)

For a great abdominal and core workout routine to use, try my Total Ab Workout in 30 Minutes. Stick to this plan, and you’ll see your waistline (and the rest of your body) transform in just a few weeks!

And that’s my 4-week plan for losing your gut and trimming your waistline. With this killer combination of healthy diet and exercise, you’ll be looking more toned and lean in no time!

Have any questions or feedback about how to lose your gut in less than 4 weeks? Please leave a comment below…

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